Emotional Intelligence for Leaders

Course Details

Session: 2 Days

Hours: 8 Hours /Day

Mode: Face to Face / online


United Arab Emirates

Emotional Intelligence for Leaders

Building trust, sincere connections, and productive teams are your duties as a leader. You must set an example for others and inspire them. Emotional intelligence (EI or EQ), as opposed to cognitive intelligence, has helped some of the world’s most successful leaders succeed. Making wise, sincere decisions and cultivating lasting relationships requires emotional intelligence, which is the ability to integrate thought and emotion.

In this course, a number of modules cover the various elements that make up emotional intelligence. The course is designed to cover every facet of emotional intelligence (EI) for leaders, providing you a thorough grasp of EI, how it supports your leadership abilities, and how you may improve your emotional skills to perform more effectively.

Course Outcomes:
  • Recognize the impact that emotion plays in interpersonal interactions at work, leadership effectiveness, and all other facets of life.
  • Identify and categorize their own feelings and triggers.
  • Use self-regulation strategies to manage challenging emotions more effectively.
  • Empathize with others’ feelings while taking the effort to comprehend their viewpoints and concerns.
  • Find out how you can increase your emotional quotient both personally and in groups.
  • Use emotional intelligence to navigate challenging conversations
  • Create teams that are emotionally intelligent and collaborative
  • Establish a setting that encourages emotional intelligence
  • Knowing and utilizing leadership psychology.
  • Recognize the importance of emotional intelligence in leadership and why it is rising.
  • Become a better leader and create connections that work better, using emotional intelligence.

Course Content



– Developing self-awareness and self-control as intrapersonal abilities.
– Practicing your relationship and empathy abilities with other people.
– Controlling emotional tension
– Developing a healthy lifestyle while being a pioneering leader.

The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Leadership

– Learning Objectives for Leadership with Emotional Intelligence
– Establishing the Foundations of Emotional Intelligence
– The Definition of Leadership Principles
– Employing Behavioral Preferences
– Using emotional intelligence to define the tenets of leadership

Refining Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

– Developing self-awareness and self-control
– Managing interactions and adjustments within a company
– Increasing corporate awareness
– Fostering an environment of emotional intelligence and psychological safety within the team
– Learning how to be more resilient

Emotional Intelligence Action Plan

– Having knowledge of the emotional competence framework
– How to get emotionally aware and self-assured
– Identify behaviors and indications that are indicative of a bad mental state using body language and emotional awareness.
– Language’s power to sway people and alter circumstances for the better
– An organizational and team perspective on emotional intelligence
– Create an action plan for your own personal growth.
Training Method

In this course, there will be a lot more discussions, role play, technology, practice and group dynamics. The training will be conducted in a friendly, professional atmosphere, which not only allows for different learning styles, but respects each delegate’s views and experience.

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Emotional Intelligence for Leaders