IELTS Review and Preparation​

Course Details

Session: 3 Days

Hours: 8 Hours /Day

Mode: Face to Face / online


United Arab Emirates

IELTS Review and Preparation

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a standardized test of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers. The test is divided into four sections: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.

Overall, the IELTS course is to help students develop the English language skills and test-taking strategies they need to succeed on the IELTS and achieve their desired score.

Course Objective:

The primary objective of an IELTS course is to prepare students to take the IELTS test and achieve a high score. Depending on the specific course, this may involve teaching test-taking strategies, reviewing the format and content of the test, and providing practice materials and feedback.

Some specific goals of an IELTS course might include:

• Familiarizing students with the structure and format of the IELTS test

• Developing students’ reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in English

• Helping students understand the types of questions they will encounter on the test and how to answer them effectively

• Providing students with practice materials and feedback to help them improve their performance

• Teaching students strategies for managing their time and pacing themselves during the test

Course Outline

Here is a general outline of what is covered in each section of the IELTS:

Reading: In the Reading section the trainer focuses on reading passages and difficulty. Training on how you can complete within 60 minutes to complete this section. Training on many kinds of topics long passages that come from magazines, newspapers, or academic texts, and cover a range of topics.

Writing: focusing on the Writing section that consists of two tasks. In Task 1, training of how you can describe, summarize or explain a graph, chart, table, or diagram. In Task 2, how to write an essay in response to a point of view, argument, or problem. Also, how to complete the task within 60 minutes.

Listening: The Listening section focuses on the four recordings, ad a total of 40 questions. The trainees learn how to complete the task within 30 minutes to complete this section. How the trainee can deal with the recordings may be conversations, monologues, or discussions, and may be set in a variety of contexts, such as social, educational, or workplace situations.

Speaking: Preparing the trainee for the Speaking section consists of a one-to-one interview with a certified examiner. Training to complete the task within 10-15 minutes to complete this section. The

Training Method

The training will be conducted in a friendly, inclusive and professional atmosphere, which is conducive for different learning styles, but respects each attendee as an individual and ensures each one is challenged and achieve maximum benefit from the course. Our goal is that attendees will be highly engaged and encouraged to be participative.

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IELTS Review and Preparation

IELTS Preparation in Dubai